P.S (pre-script) :

This is my first entry. So, please ... be kind and don't laugh!!!

On second thought :

Be kind and do laugh!!! :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010


My dad is a man of infinite logic, a balanced mix of intelligence and humour.. So, everything he does, or buys has been planned and thought out once... twice... thrice........you get the idea.

So, when he bought the (aquarium ... no ... fish tank ... no ... hmmm …) fish bowl, I naturally assumed he would have a very scientific reason behind keeping the relatives of our food as pets (but then Newton was also mistaken about gravity for a long time until that apple fell).

As it turns out, the reason for the arrival of our aquatic friends was something somebody somewhere someday had told my father. Apparently, (pay attention now!) the diseases that could strike the revered members of my family are transferred to/absorbed by the fish and they subsequently die.


It causes so much pain … No, I’m not talking about attachment. It’s the cleaning-out-the-body-process that is painful.



During the initial excitement, when it was first bought and the first batch of pisces frolicked in, I named one of them NEMO and the other one MEEEENAKSHI, out of love.

And true to her name, she even “did-a-nemo”. Once, while the bowl was being cleaned manually (it’s too small to have its own purifier) she (oh wait… nemo was a he….wasn’t he?) seized the opportunity and swam off through the sink-hole (heh heh … that gives me an idea for a swear).

It’s a 3 X 6 inch fish bowl, and since I spend a lot of time just staring at them, I can easily make-out that having 6 fish in that small a bowl doesn't even give them 'space to breathe'. Its just endless rounds of the bowl,sometimes interrupted by bumps into each other’s bums.

<= FISH-BOL =>

Fish1 : OMG!!! Why is this “spectacled-frog” staring at us from so long? What is she scribbling about?

Fish2 : SHUT UP!!! You’re insulting my bf ‘toad-y’!!!

Fish3 : OMF(ishing)G!!! Is she planning to use me for her gravy???

I know I should have lost some weight.

Fish4 : Start swimming. It helps! *shows off her 36-26-36 mm figure*

Fish2 : !GULP! Ewwwwwwww…. I jus swallowed something disgusting!

Fish3 : Sorry! I’m just feeling a little nervous!!! There!!! I’ll clean it up!


Next day,

Me :

"hmmm…..*sniff sniff* something smells fishy!!!  !!!GASP!!!

Paaaaaaa…… Meenakshi’s not moving!!!"

Dad :

"Lemme see…oh! she's dead.....!!!


  Yessssssssssss................Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!"


  1. "..martyrs..lol....gud one...nice start..."

  2. he he !! nice ..the bracketed text is funny !! !!! :)

  3. @all : m so so happy u all liked it. will do next ones better hopefully!!!!thnx!!!!!:D

  4. hey awesome start...the humor element is really good in this...and the pics r really good... :D :D

    keep it coming...:D

  5. Martyrs
    Mission Accomplished

    Need I say more? :D
